About Company:
A US-based platform for professional fitness trainers to give personal training to clients personally as well as remotely. This platform allows fitness professionals to not only take up clients locally but also globally.
The platform comprises of the web as well as a mobile application for both iOS and Android Users. The platform allows users to connect with trainers globally and get access to a personalized workout regime built by experts. The platform also opens revenue stream for trainers.
The client’s requirement was to improve user experience and add new features in the existing application.
When the client came to us he was looking for a Backend developer who could help him with the development of new features and improve the user experience. The client is a non-technical person and has developers working remotely for him. He was looking for a developer who could take ownership of the product and work for the success of the client.
The main challenge was to find the right resource with experience in Backend development, with hands-on experience of working on the application, hosted on digital ocean and proven knowledge of different older frameworks or libraries of Ruby. Finding a developer who has expertise in working on different frameworks and libraries associated with Ruby was difficult.
RemotePanda identified the exact need of the client and provided them with a Backend Developer. The Backend developer improved the existing features and the architecture of the application. This engagement gave the required boost to the client, to plan the new features and how to scale the application.
The management of freelancers (Backend Developer) was taken care of by RemotePanda. The Success Manager worked for ensuring the successful delivery of the project while following the tight schedule and also helped the client in building a strategy for managing his entire remote team.
The Backend developer identified the major blockers and fixed the high priority bugs. While fixing the issues and developing new features, the developer identified and reported other issues in the application as well and communicated the same to the client.